How to farm SAFETESLA NFT’s?

4 min readApr 8, 2021

We are very excited to share the news that our own NFT farm is live with our marketplace partner

Our SAFETESLA NFT farm is now live! So grab your wheels and race to collect points and gather those collectables.

Please follow each step underneath appropriately to access the farms.

Step 1: Get yourself Safetesla Cake-LP’s

What?? Yes Cake-LP’s. Can I eat those? NO! Those or tokens you get when you provide liquidity to the safetesla pool. You lock a set amount of tokens SAFETESLA and equivalent in BNB value at that time in the liquidty pool. Therefor you receive LP Tokens.

! The minimum amount of LP’s required to stake for NFT’s is set to 5 LP. Take into account that the contract of SAFETESLA requires 10% tax, so at least make sure you swap to 5.6ish LP’s in the step underneath.

  • After hitting the supply button you will get a popup which tells you how much LP you will get for the amount provided, e.g. 73.2037 LP. This amount is more than the maximum 50 LP’s allowed in the NFT farm. See step 2 for more info.
  • Click “Confirm Supply”. Your web3 wallet will interact and provide the BNB and Safetesla tokens to our liquidity pool and give you LP’s for that. At any moment you can withdraw this liquidity in this same tab.

Step 2: Start staking your Cake-LP’s in the farm


You will see this screen popping up in your browser! Almost there :). Take the following steps to start staking for NFT points to redeem our precious NFT’s

  • Click the big Staking Options button and choose ‘stake’
  • Click the amount of Cake-LP’s you want to stake, minimum is 5, maximum is 50. If it is your first stake you will need to approve contract interaction first. This is the transaction which will follow after you click ‘Stake’ button.
  • Remember to click a second time after approval to actually start the STAKE transaction. If succes, you will get a green message in bottom right of the screen, congrats! You just staked your LP’s!
  • The small dashboard will show the staked amount and in the right box the earned points. (in this example 6.6 LP staked, 3.42 points earned)
  • Under each NFT you see the amount of points needed to redeem!

Support needed?

For support please come to our Telegram channel, we will be happy to assist you!

